Join WiLS

Sandwich board that reads "Hello neighbor, come on in"WiLS is a non-profit membership organization that facilitates collaborative projects and services to save our members time and money and to advance library service, primarily in the state of Wisconsin. Most of our members are libraries, but we also work with cultural institutions, government agencies, and other non-profits to develop partnerships and projects.

In order to encourage cooperation and communication among libraries and their partners, WiLS membership is free!

WiLS members are all over the country, but most are in Wisconsin and they include:

  • Libraries of all types – academic, K-12, public, and special
  • Educational and cultural organizations, such as museums and historical societies
  • Governmental agencies
  • Other non-profits

WiLS membership is free and comes with all perks and no strings. The benefits of membership include:

  • Our hard-working and super smart staff. We’ve built strong relationships with our members, vendors, and state and national partners and are here to put that work to good use for you. If you have questions or ideas and don’t know where to start, these people will get you moving in the right direction.
  • Our newsletters: @WiLS, a monthly message of musings, calls to action, information sharing, and support from the WiLS Team and the Community Chronicle, a monthly newsletter of what WiLS is up to with a few bonus items of interest to the library community.
  • A voice in who represents your type of library or cultural organization on the WiLS Board and the ability to run for Board vacancies to help us respond to member needs and envision the best possible future.
  • A community of more than 600 other libraries and cultural organizations in Wisconsin and beyond.
  • Our Ideas to Action funds, grants given by WiLS of up to $5000 for members’ innovative and collaborative project proposals. The application period opens in spring each year. 

Complete the WiLS General Member Agreement to join or renew or connect with us at if you have any questions.

If you are interested in participating in WiLS Cooperative Purchasing Service, read more about subscribing to MyWiLS.